So it’s not the 1st of January and no New Year resolutions are in sight but I’m in need of a restart and a refresh. Nothing dramatic has happened to urge this restart but I’ve just grown bored of the same things, the same routine, the same feelings of boredom and frustration. This has felt like the longest winter and with snow only just stopped being forecasted I’m sick of being inside and the grey weather. I’m sure we’d all feel better if we just saw some sun and the beginning of Spring and hopefully a long hot Summer. This time last year I was heading to Asia with one backpack full of all my summer clothes to last me four months and my favourite person by my side. This year, however, seems slightly disappointing in comparison with rain still falling and gloomy Birmingham being my current home. It’s got me thinking was uni the right choice and should I swap modules for Mai Tai’s and Thai Islands. Of course when the weather is this depressing we look back on sunnier times and holidays so I can’t help but flick through my backpacking photos at 3am when I can’t sleep knowing I have to get up at 4:30am for work and then go to uni straight after. If you can’t already tell I’m feeling very doom and gloom but I know uni was the right choice and I love my course and backpacking couldn’t have lasted forever.
The whole point of this post, that I am trying to get to, is what to do when your feeling doom and gloom and nothing seems to be changing. One thing I’ve started to do is refresh my instagram as lately I’ve felt bored with social media and instagram especially when I used to love scrolling through instagram and posting pretty much every day. I thought almost restarting my account would be a good start, posting photos I wouldn’t usually post as I felt stuck in a format* and trying different layouts. Of course, a self-promo is to follow, so if you don’t follow my instagram it’s _caitdavies and I’d appreciate the follow seen as the instagram algorithm seems to be throwing everyone under the bus with me losing more followers than I’m gaining.
I’ve recently just come off working nights thank the lord! Honestly, if you’re ever contemplating working nights for extra money while in uni don’t do it, I’d have rather starved. The only thing I was doing was working and then going to uni, I mean the main appeal of uni is the so-called social life it promises you. Now, however, I'm back on the lovely early morning shifts which I have never been so thankful to start work at 5:30am again. This means I actually get to do stuff like go out and drink and start going to the gym which I promised I would try harder to do which is easier said than done when your working from 11:30pm to 10:30am. But now there are no excuses and I need to get started on this ‘summer bod’ I promised I’d achieve!
I’m someone who likes change and gets bored easily so when I can’t make drastic changes like moving house or escaping the British weather I like to make little changes like the instagram refresh. Although I’m hoping to dye my hair which is just a little drastic change for someone who’s never dyed their hair. Let’s hope the sun arrives soon and we get this Spring we’ve been told were meant to get and that I get a move on and get my arse in gear - wish me luck!